Sanna Ahvenjärvi


Fingers to the bone

Fingers to the Bone (2004)

- for violin duo

Duration: 10min. 30sec.

First performance

Frank Stadler, violin
Iszo Bajusz, violin

GegenWelten-festival, Heidelberg, Germany
June 12th 2005

Past performances

Duo Gelland has performed "Fingers to the Bone" in Finland, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany and in U.S.A.

November 1st 2014, UML-Festival, Oulu Finland
Liina Räikkönen, violin
Austra Steke, violin

October 15th 2005, UML-Festival, Oulu, Finland
Teija Slobodeniouk, violin
Anna Angervo, violin

Duo Gelland in Ultan Hall, University of Minneapolis, U.S.A.

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