Sanna Ahvenjärvi


Sylvias helsing från Sicilien (arrangement)

Karl Collan: Sylvias helsing från Sicilien (Arr. Sanna Ahvenjärvi)

- for brass quintet
(2 Trp., Cor., Trbn. Tba.)

Duration: 5 min.

First Performance

December 19th 2012, Roma, Italy
Borealis Brass:
Jane Aspnes, horn
Karen Gustafson, trumpet
Hannah Johnson, trumpet
James Bicigo, trombone
John Aspnes, tuba

Past Performances

March 19th 2013, Shah Alam, Malaysia
March 18th 2013, Shah Alam, Malaysia
December 23th 2012, Veroli, Italy
December 22th 2012, Fiuggi Città, Italy
December 22th 2012, Vallepietra, Italy
December 21th 2012, Fiuggi, Italy
December 20th 2012, Alatri, Italy
Borealis Brass:
Jane Aspnes, horn
Karen Gustafson, trumpet
Hannah Johnson, trumpet
James Bicigo, trombone
John Aspnes, tuba

This arrangement was commissioned by the Fondazione Adkins Chiti: Donne in Musica for the Christmas Concerts in Italy 2012. This arrangement is dedicated to the ”Borealis Brass”.

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